A dilated fundus examination is recommended by the Canadian Association of Optometrists as part of a regular eye examination. A dilated fundus exam is performed by an optometrist to help assess ocular health. The dilating eye drops will make your pupils big and allow the optometrist to have a better “window” to the back of the eye.
Conditions that can be detected are: cataracts, glaucoma, diabetic eye disease, retinal holes, retinal tears, retinal detachments and retinal changes associated with high blood pressure. There may be no signs or symptoms associated with some eye conditions and eye disease; this is why a routine dilated eye exam is important and recommended.
Important information regarding the dilating eye drops
Usually there is minor stinging or a burning sensation when the drops are put into the eyes, this will last for only a few seconds.
Blurry vision for reading will last for 4-6 hours.
Blurry vision for distance may be a side effect in some patients.
Sensitivity to light for 4-6 hours.
It takes at least 10-15 minutes for the drops to take effect. People with dark coloured eyes take longer to dilate.
Driving after this procedure is not recommended.